Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Depot Vegetarian Non Egg

Telah Dibuka Depot Vegetarian Non Egg Baru dan fresh, Makanan bersih, Sehat Terjamin, Ada bermacam-macam Menu: Nasi Lawar/campur Bali, Nasi Kare, Nasi ikan Asin, Bubur, Nasi Padang. Melayani Katering dalam jumlah besar. jl. Nusa Kambangan No.180 C Denpasar Bali hub: 0361-8504725(2007-06-08 08:16)
Monday, August 3, 2009
Essential For Home Waxing

Chances are if you're reading this that you're either entertaining visiting a Salon for the first time, or you're already a Salon waxing regular.
Am I right?
Naturally, the other reason could be that you're interested in home waxing and want to know how Salon's can assist you in safely and successfully waxing at home. Although they may sound poles apart, both options traditionally use the same ingredients and methods to achieve a great Brazilian for you.
Salon waxing is far and away the most popular method for this type of treatment, and with good reason. It takes considerable time for a beautician to train and hone their expertise before you walk though the door. But, this same knowledge can also benefit you if you're seriously considering Brazilian waxing at home.
Here's why.
Despite what you may have heard, not everyone is able to, or should be, waxed. A number of health and medical conditions are not suitable with waxing, ranging from complexions, allergies, through to medications.
So a visit to your doctor is the best opening to check your suitability to waxing - it's never worth sacrificing your safety for beauty. Next on your list is to source a licensed and professional beautician.
Where do you start though? Well a referral from a trusted friend or relative is a great start. Next, you are able to always check your local phone directory or the Internet.
Then ask questions, lots of questions!
Preferably do this over the phone to save you physically visiting the Salons. Ask things like do they do Brazilian waxes, ask what is involved, what the cost is and what training the staff have in term of formal qualifications and experience.
Listen carefully to how you're being treated on the phone, especially for signs of being super-sensitive or aggressive towards your questioning. If it is, this may be a sign of how you'll be treated when you get there.
Remember to ask about the cost of the treatment you're after also - top dollar doesn't necessarily mean you'll get the best value. Likewise the budget Brazilian is not a pretty image either (think cheap waxes and in-experienced staff). So somewhere in the middle of the range is best to begin with.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Why do I need 100+ feedback?

The reason that you need a 100+ feedback is that without it as a seller, whatyou are able to do is very limiting. If your serious about eBay and want to make it a
profitable business for you then a feedback of 100+ is an absolute must. The
more positivist feedback you have the better your reputation on eBay
Your feedback score is a testimonial to other buyers and sellers of your
customer service. eBay is all about customer service, give bad customer
service and your reputation comes down the drain. The reason you need 100+
feedback is as follows.
10+ feedback allows you to use the option of which basically means that if
customers really like what you are selling they can buy it straight away
without being forced to wait for the auction to finish.
20+ feedback allows you to sell multiple items at the same time + you must
be a registered member of eBay for 14+ days.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

1. Sun Tzu said: The good fighters of old first put
themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then
waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.
2. To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our
own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy
is provided by the enemy himself.
3. Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat,
but cannot make certain of defeating the enemy.
4. Hence the saying: One may know how to conquer
without being able to do it.
5. Security against defeat implies defensive tactics;
ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive.
6. Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient
strength; attacking, a superabundance of strength.
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Land of Story-books

At evening when the lamp is lit,
Around the fire my parents sit;
They sit at home and talk and sing,
And do not play at anything.
Now, with my little gun, I crawl
All in the dark along the wall,
And follow round the forest track
Away behind the sofa back.
There, in the night, where none can spy,
All in my hunter's camp I lie,
And play at books that I have read
Till it is time to go to bed.
These are the hills, these are the woods,
These are my starry solitudes;
And there the river by whose brink
The roaring lions come to drink.
I see the others far away
As if in firelit camp they lay,
And I, like to an Indian scout,
Around their party prowled about.
So when my nurse comes in for me,
Home I return across the sea,
And go to bed with backward looks
At my dear land of Story-books.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Where Go the Boats

Dark brown is the river,
Golden is the sand.
It flows along for ever,
With trees on either hand.
Green leaves a-floating,
Castles of the foam,
Boats of mine a-boating--
Where will all come home?
On goes the river
And out past the mill,
Away down the valley,
Away down the hill.
Away down the river,
A hundred miles or more,
Other little children
Shall bring my boats ashore.
Friday, July 10, 2009

Thanks to our great customers, our business is continuing to grow at a
steady, uphill rate. With this increase in business, we seem to notice the
beginning of customer complaints about our turnaround time for processing
At first, I became "paranoid" and thought I was doing something wrong.
I forced myself to work 20 hour days, eliminated my social and family life
completely and ignored anything else that didn't pertain to business.
Unfortunately, this approach did not solve the problem. I ended up running
my body down and became so ill I was confined to bed for almost 4 days.
So, what did I gain?
Then, I received another complaint about our turnaround time a few weeks
later. But this time, instead of getting "paranoid," I sat back and analyzed
the situation. The 3 complaint letters had one thing in common _ they were
all from beginners in mail order. My long-time, repeat customers had not
complained in the least _ just 3 beginners in mail order.
So, I telephoned one of the people who complained and learned they had
expected their order within 4-5 days after they mailed their original
order in. Since it had been 2 weeks since they ordered, they labeled our
turnaround time as "very poor." It suddenly dawned on me that they were
expressing the same behavior all beginners experience _ lack of patience!
But, they aren't entirely at fault.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Young Thief and His Mother

A young Man had been caught in a daring act of theft and had
been condemned to be executed for it. He expressed his desire to
see his Mother, and to speak with her before he was led to
execution, and of course this was granted. When his Mother came
to him he said: "I want to whisper to you," and when she brought
her ear near him, he nearly bit it off. All the bystanders were
horrified, and asked him what he could mean by such brutal and
inhuman conduct. "It is to punish her," he said. "When I was
young I began with stealing little things, and brought them home
to Mother. Instead of rebuking and punishing me, she laughed and
said: "It will not be noticed." It is because of her that I am
here to-day."
"He is right, woman," said the Priest; "the Lord hath said:
"Train up a child in the way he should go; and
when he is old he will not depart therefrom."
The Woodman and the Serpent

One wintry day a Woodman was tramping home from his work when
he saw something black lying on the snow. When he came closer he
saw it was a Serpent to all appearance dead. But he took it up
and put it in his bosom to warm while he hurried home. As soon as
he got indoors he put the Serpent down on the hearth before the
fire. The children watched it and saw it slowly come to life
again. Then one of them stooped down to stroke it, but thc
Serpent raised its head and put out its fangs and was about to
sting the child to death. So the Woodman seized his axe, and with
one stroke cut the Serpent in two. "Ah," said he,
"No gratitude from the wicked."
Monday, July 6, 2009
Producing How-TO CD's
Average Start-Up: $5,000
Revenue: $12,000
One Person Business: Yes
The CD is entitled: "This CD Can Make You Filthy Rich", and it's about
producing how-to CDs - a concept whose time has come. At $15 each, plus
$3 shipping & handling, the producer of CD will gross $18,000 selling 1,000
The production cost is quite small. The audio program was written by the
producer who brought the script to a "Narration House" where a professional
announcer does the voice recording using a professional studio.
You can order radio commercials as well as other "voice" recorded programs
to be produced by so-called "narration houses".
This business is usually run by a professional announcer who owns or has
access to a professional recording studio. Just send your script to a
narration house and have them record it for you. The amount you are
charged depends on the length of your material and the type of tape on
which you want your "master copy" recorded. A recording of 30-minute
material may cost you $450.
Another popular format for a How-To CD is what we call the "Interview"
format. This is where the author or producer of the CD is interviewed on
a subject in which he or she is an expert. Since this format is prepared
on a "question and answer" basis, it is relatively easy to structure,
allowing for a more logical presentation of the ideas the author wants to
With this format, the author can prepare 30 to 50 questions which, together
with the answers, can be edited down to a 30 to 40 minute program.
Depending on where the interview is produced, this format may cost less than
a straight presentation where the bulk of the work uses the voice of a
professional narrator.
In a "How-To" project, it is always recommended that you select your topics
based on your expertise or access to information. From a marketing
standpoint, it is equally beneficial for you to be familiar with the market
to whom you expect to market your How-To CD.
If your topic is very selective, use direct mail to market your CDs. If it
is an extremely popular topic that can be promoted on TV, use 60-second TV
spots or print ads.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
live person
Our research has turned up hundreds of husband and wife entrepreneurs who, beginning with just a couple of thousand dollars in borrowed funds, and a lot of ambition, are grossing $20, 000 or more after just a couple of years in the business.
The exciting part is that the door is wide open for you to do the same! The demand for telephone answering services is growing!!! The advent of the electronic answering devices is not even beginning to slow this demand! A great many people are "turned off" by the frustration of expecting to talk with a "live person," and having to listen to a recording that advises the caller to leave a message at the sound of the tone. Exasperation of this kind can sometimes cost a business person thousands of dollars in lost profit. Realizing this, today's successful business person wants the personal touch of a friendly, professional, "secretary" answering their phones for them.
The professional answering service operator can pass along the proper messages to the different callers, take messages, get clarifications and even set up meetings with special customers. In many instances, businessmen come to think of the operators at their telephone answering service as vital to their success, and often regard them with special favors or bonuses when a particularly lucrative deal is closed because of courteous and efficient service by the people at the answering service.
To get started properly, you'll need an initial investment of about $10,000 for equipment and facilities, plus working capital. In the beginning, with a 2 person operation, you can have your operator selling by phone while you make in-person sales calls. You might also want to add a couple of "hungry" commission sales people to help line up a good list of accounts as fast as possible. These efforts will take planning and coordination because you don't want two different sales people calling on the same prospect.
You can begin operating out of a spare bedroom or your garage - you'll need a leased switchboard from the telephone company - with plans to move your operation into more formal quarters at a later date. However, it's quite expensive and time consuming to
have a switchboard moved once it's been installed. Our suggestion would be to locate a "beginning" small office, and plan on being there at least 5 years from the start.
Many operations begin in a small 200 to 300 square foot economy office location, and as their growth warrants, open a second location with space for eventual expansion to include 3 or more switchboards. Our research has found that you'll need an average of 85 regular customers per switchboard in order to realize a minimum profit after expenses.
Just about anyone with a business card will be a good prospect for your services. People working out of their homes are very good prospects, especially those holding down regular jobs while moonlighting with a part-time businesses of their own. Every salesman is a prospect, people who work on a 24 hour "on-call" basis, repair service business owners such as plumbers, electricians, locksmiths and auto mechanics... There are other kinds of services that will be interested too, such as ambulance companies, towing services, volunteer fire departments, survey or ganizations, and customer complaint departments of virtually every business in your area... By all means, don't for get the doctors, dentists and other professionals.
A lot of beginners start by providing service only for theses intermittent users. These people "put out the word" that if they can be reached at their regular number after 4 or 5 rings, the caller should dial the number of their answering service. The answering service, which in this case is just a housewife answering her home phone, takes the caller's message and either relays it to the customer or holds it until he checks in with her. Very simple, very easy and very profitable.
Usually after such a "shoestring" operation has 15 or 20 such customers, it's necessary to install a phone with multiple incoming lines. The cost and questions of the phone company can be allayed by purchasing your own telephone and explaining that
you have several teenagers in the family. However, once you have 35 to 50 customers, it's time to expand into a commercial operation complete with switch board and hired operators.
The average rates to charge for your service should be about $35 per month for a specified number of calls - usually 70 to 75 - with a surcharge of 25 cents for each call beyond that number. Other calls such as "wake-up calls" and reminder calls for appoint
ments, are usually billed on a "per call" basis at about 50 cents per call.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Here's a business you can start for virtually nothing, parlay into a million dollar enterprise in five years or less. Many established resume writing services in the large metropolitan areas are reporting annual incomes of $250,000 or more. Even the smaller operations, in towns as small as 15,000 are experiencing sales of $50,000 or more.
No special knowledge, education or experience are required for total success in this business. An awareness of the general format of the "modern resume," and the ability to keep oneself up-to-date on refinements or new approaches to presenting resume material are about the only prerequisites to successfully operate a resume writing service.
Probably the most exciting and motivational aspects of this business idea are the low investment and risk factors involved, and the growing demand for resume service. Up until the past couple of years, few if any Americans really had to look for jobs. People in general have either forgotten how to look for a new job, or never knew how in the first place.
Since the start of World War II, back in 1941, the American worker has been spoiled by an affluent society and an ideal market for the job seeker. Usually, all he had to do whenever he lost a job or wanted to change jobs was to report in to the local branch
of his local employment service office, check in at his union office, look at the want ads in the Sunday paper, or call a few friends and ask about job openings.
But no more! Times have changed! There are fewer jobs and an increasing number of people applying for those jobs that are available. Just recently, the post office department in a large west coast city advertised that applications would be accepted on
two days only, for 600 upcoming openings. Would you believe that twenty thousand applicants showed up to fill out applications? Can you imagine the post office personnel people reviewing all those applications, and then interviewing all those people, according to the fair employment practices act?
On another day, word got out that there was going to be an opening for a forklift driver at a local warehouse. Fifteen hundred men and women showed up even before the job was advertised!
Times are tough, and we're moving ever deeper into the age of specialization. Employers are demanding to know more about the applicant - his work record, natural talents and personality traits. They want more information upon which to base their interview selections than just the cold facts on the application form. Personnel managers are placing a higher premium on their time, and delegating to others the job of "weeding out" the unqualified applicants from those whose backgrounds and goals come closest to fitting the needs of the company.
To get in to see the person doing the hiring nowadays, the job applicant has to "sell the short-stopper," and that calls for a professionally written resume. More and more firms are demanding resumes. Industry estimates are that by the year 2000, most of the jobs worth having will require a written resume before even an initial interview is granted. And that's where you can fit into the picture with your Professional Resume Writing Service. Probably 80 percent of the people searching for jobs don't have a resume. Of the 20 percent who do have resumes, many are ineffective; they simply do not adequately present the applicant's total qualifications.
Everyone - with or without a resume - is looking for this key: A professionally written resume, a sales presentation of their qualifications and experience that will get the job for them - the job they want. The jobhunters are wound up in their own specialties and problems. They don't know how, and they don't have the time - AND they're willing to pay you to put it all together for them. Just as you're willing to pay a doctor, dentist or investment broker, those who need a resume are willing to pay you for this service. The market exists in every city and town in this country, and the demand for this service is growing daily. Your opportunity for success beyond your fondest dreams has never been
greater! The brass ring is here! Grab it, and hold on!
You'll need a modern, professional quality typewriter. You can begin, and perhaps get by for a month or so, with a top quality portable, but do yourself and your business a favor: Arrange to rent, lease or buy on monthly payments if necessary, the best machine for the quality of work that will command top dollars for you.
Setting up and operating from your own home will be the most economical way to begin. In addition to your typewriter, you should have a typewriter stand, typist's chair, adjustable long-arm lamp, and a file cabinet. However, just as you can make do with a portable typewriter for a month or so, you can get by for starters with a kitchen chair at your dining room table.
To prepare yourself properly, invest in a good book on how to write "job-winning" resumes. Select a book which discusses both the cover letter and the format of the body of the resume.
The most important part of any resume package is the cover letter the applicant sends as part of the resume. This letter states the specific job the applicant is applying for, explains why he believes he is qualified, and pointedly asks for an interview. In most cases, you'll be able to provide an "all-purpose form letter" which your client can adapt to any position that interests him. More later about actual writing of the resume and the cover letter.
The format and style of the body of the resume are the items you want to learn from your book. Resumes of today generally follow this outline:
1. Name
2. Address
3. City, state, zip.
4. Phone Number
5. Type of job or position wanted
6. Goals and/or desires in life
7. Job history, starting with current or last job held
8. Special courses, education or training completed
9. Military History
10. Formal Education
11. Activities while attending school: athletics, offices, awards
12. Hobbies and special interests
13. Notation that names of business and personal references will be furnished on request.
14. Availability
15. Health
Once you're organized with space and equipment, you're ready for business. All that's necessary from this point on will be advertising, client interview, and producing the final product.
Your advertising needs, in comparison with many other businesses, need not cost you an exorbitant amount of money. It should, however, be consistent and eye-catching.
You should contact your area's most widely read newspaper and arrange to run a one-column by one inch ad every day for the next six to twelve months. By purchasing your ad space on a daily insertion basis, and over at least a six month period, your rate will be much lower than the rate charged for shorter contracts.
Your newspaper ad might read something like this:
A Complete, Professional Service
Resumes - Letters - Portfolios
...that result in jobs!
Phone 123-4567
Aside from an ad in the newspaper, and perhaps a similar one in your area shoppers' papers, the only other advertising efforts you should worry about are those that don't cost money - free bulletin board announcements, radio and television talk show in
terviews, and low cost flyers, circulars or brochures that describe your services.
One method of gaining business exposure which is most often overlooked is the radio and television talk show interview. Call the broadcast stations in your area and get the names of the producers of these talk shows. Then write them a letter explaining your services, and how you believe an appearance on their program could be educational and beneficial to their audiences. Include a brochure with your letter. A couple of days after you're sure they've received your letter, give them a call on the phone, and ask them to consider an interview with you.
Another area to explore for free publicity is as a guest speaker for your civic clubs. For these, simply write out a speech emphasizing the need for a resume, and the proper way to write one that will result in a job for the job-seeker. Explain the growing trend of employers to use the resume as a screening device, and the fact that a well-written resume can get a better job for someone when there are seemingly no openings. Don't be afraid to explain what goes into a professionally written resume. Many of the people listening to you - if you sell them on the idea of a resume - will come to you to have it written because they don't have the time or know-how, and because you'll have the reputation of an "expert" after having spoken before their club. Basically, people are lazy in this respect, and would rather pay someone else to do something than to take the time to learn how and do it themselves. Once you spread the word that you're in the business of preparing resumes for people looking for work or wanting better jobs, you'll have no trouble at all keeping busy!
Your brochure can be as simple as a Z-folded 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. It should de scribe your services, emphasize your professionalism, fast service and reasonable cost. It would be best to have your story typeset and laid out in three columns down the width of the paper.
Most quick print shops can handle all this for you, at a nominal cost. Once you've had your brochures printed, leave off a supply with your area high school and college counselors, vocational and trade school placement directors, and with as many private employment agencies as will take them.
When prospective clients call you, simply explain your services and prices, and set up an appointment for them to meet with you. For this it's best to prepare a script, which might read like this:
YOU, answering the phone: Good morning! Midwest Resume Service. May I help you?
CLIENT: Yes, I'm calling about your ad in the paper.
YOU: Oh yes, and thank you for calling. Let me explain our services. We're professional resume writers - we interview job - seekers such as yourself - learn the important features of their backgrounds as those features apply in helping us to write a
resume that will land them the job they're looking for. Then we assemble all this information into a winning presentation, type it out, give you the original plus 50 copies and a cover letter (which you can modify as necessary on your home typewriter and have copied each time you submit a resume). Your cost is only $50, and usually we can have everything ready for you within three or four days. Now, does that sound like what you had in mind?
CLIENT: Yes! That's just what I had in mind. When can we get together and start the ball rolling?
YOU: How about this afternoon at 3:15, or would tomorrow morning at say 9:45 be better for you? We're located at 600 North Main Street. Are you familiar with the area?
CLIENT: Yes, I know the area, no problem. This afternoon at 3:15 will be fine.
YOU: Good! Now, let me have your name and phone number please.
CLIENT: Gives you his name and phone number.
YOU: All right, Bob, we'll look forward to seeing you this afternoon at 3:15.
You now have a client, and an appointment to interview him for background information in order to put together a resume that can result in a job for him. Be sure you're prepared with a "researcher's questionnaire," to guide you in the questions to ask.
Type your resume format on a separate sheet of paper, numbering each question you want an answer to, or subject you want to cover. This of course serves as a "master" which you duplicate and use as the researcher's questionnaire guide.
For each interview, take one of these "interview guides" and an ordinary yellow legal tablet, and start asking questions. Identify each page of notes with a number or subject matter from the resume format, and use a separate page of the tablet for each subject and each job the client may have had.
The interview should be relaxed, with the client doing most of the talking. However, you should control the interview and take notes as the client gives you the information you need. Be confident, but friendly. Maintain your confidence and ask leading questions that elicit complete, revealing responses. Take your time, and "listen" to what the client isn't telling you as well as what he is telling you. With a bit of practice, you'll be able to find out all there is to know about your client in twenty minutes or less.
Look ahead to the day when you have employees working for you. Develop your interviewing techniques to a state of maximum efficiency for your business, and then record three or four interviews for use in training your employees. You should also reproduce several examples of completed resumes and put them into an instruction book for study by new employees .
After the interview, you need to interpret your notes and type the information into a resume. This should be easy because you have gathered the details in sequence with your resume format. Familiarity with format writing style makes the task of putting every-thing into finished form quite simple.
At the very least, a quick course in resume writing will be necessary. Check out a book on the subject from your public library. The important thing to remember is to drop the "I's" and write in a kind of note-taking reportorial style:
"Hired as an entry level shipping clerk. Recognized need for organization on the loading dock to eliminate congestion. Suggested designated spaces for incoming and out going shipments. This program was adopted and immediately eliminated congestion of trucks and decreased overtime requirements, with an estimated savings of $700 per week for the company. Promoted to Line Expeditor after six months."
Don't put a time limit on the amount of time you devote to each client, but once you're organized and established, the interview through the finished resume shouldn't take more than an hour or two.
After you have the resume typed, call the client in to check it over and approve it. In almost every case, he'll be very favorably impressed and ready to go with anything you suggest. The secret is in the quality of your work - a modern type writer with good type, clean paper and error-free copy.
So, you explain to your client that his resume will make a more favorable impression on the prospective employer when it is printed on better quality paper. Suggest to him that you have it printed for him on colored "offset" paper instead of ordinary bond. Ivory, tan or blue shades are desirable. For the really expensive-looking resume, suggest that it be printed on 11 x 17 paper, and then folded in half to make a kind of "book" about the client.
The charges for your service should be about $50 for the interview, original resume, 50 copies on white bond paper, and a universal cover letter. For colored offset paper, or for 11 x 17 sized sheets, check current prices at your print shop. You should pass those costs on to your client, plus a nominal service charge of $5 or so. Also explain to your client that you can up-date or add to his resume whenever the need arises, and for this service you charge $10, plus the cost of printing as many copies as he requires.
Now for the cover letter - probably the most important part of any resume submitted for job consideration. The first thing you ask your client regarding the cover letter is if he intends to submit his resumes in answer to advertised positions, or if he intends to "shot-gun" them out to possible employers. According to his stated plan, you simply use one of the two general forms for cover letters.
And that's it - the basics you need for starting your own highly profitable resume service. A couple of things to always bear in mind: Your success will be directly related to the quality of the finished product you put out. Learn to do it right, and then strive for perfection with every job you complete for a client.
Remember too that the image you project is the credibility rating you'll carry with your customers. Shabby surroundings, a disorganized office and a less than professional appearance will doom you to failure. Be impressive! Keep your eyes open, and move into an office among professional people as soon as you can.
Finally, put some real planning into starting your business; get it well established and running smoothly; then hire other people to do the work. The object of a business of your own is not steady employment for you, but financial security and independence - to achieve and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Plan your business, nurture its growth and then hire other people to do the work while you guide, supervise and make bank deposits.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Franchise businesses such as Wendy's, McDonald's and Jack-In-The-Box are booming. The people setting up franchise ideas and businesses know a good thing, and are really promoting this idea. Franchises for just about every conceivable kind of business are being sold in ever increasing numbers.
Some franchises are very good. They treat both the franchisor and the franchisee very well. Others are very one-sided. Still others are almost total rip-offs that trap one into paying ten to fifty times the actual value of the business idea, equipment, or what ever it is they are trying to get you to buy.
Before putting any money into a franchise, you should investigate everything completely. We've prepared a list of questions you should be asking, and should get satisfactory answers to before investing.
1. Has your attorney studied the franchise contract, discussed it completely with
you, and do you both approve it without reservations?
2. Does the franchise require you to take any steps which are either illegal or even
border on illegal, or are otherwise questionable or unwise in your state, county
or city?
3. Does the franchise give you an exclusive territory for the length of the franchise
period, or can the franchisor sell a second or third franchise in your territory?
4. Is this franchisor connected in any way with any other franchise company
handling similar products or services?
5. If you answered yes to the above question, what is your protection against the
second franchising company?
6. Under what circumstances can you end the franchise contract, and at what
costs to you?
7. If you sell your franchise, will you be compensated for your goodwill or will it
be lost to you?
8. How many years has the firm offering you the franchise been in operation?
9. Does the company offering you this franchise have a reputation for honesty and
fair dealing among its franchisees?
10. Has the franchisor shown you any certified figures indicating exact net prof its
of one or more of its members, and have you personally checked the figures
with these people?
11. Will the franchisor assist you with: a) A management training program; b) An
employee training program; c) A public relations and advertising program;
d) Capital; e) Credit; f) Merchandising ideas?
12. If needed, will the franchisor assist you in finding a suitable location?
13. Is the franchising firm adequately financed so that it can carry out its stated
14. Does the franchisor have experienced management, trained in-depth?
15. Exactly what can the franchisor do for you that you cannot do for yourself?
16. Has the franchisor investigated you carefully enough to assure itself that you
can successfully operate at a profit to both of you?
17. Does your state have a law regulating the sale of franchises, and has the
franchisor complied with that law to your satisfaction?
18. How much equity capital will you need to purchase the franchise and operate
it until your income equals your expenses?
If you can get the answers to each of these questions, and those answers satisfy you, then you're probably thinking about buying a pretty good franchise deal. However, if you're in doubt about any of these points, be sure to check it out and know the answers for certain before you invest or sign anything.
Buying a franchise can give you a measure of security, and in some cases, sure-fire profits. Business surveys show that fewer than 20 percent of all new franchised businesses fail. This is in comparison to a 60 to 80 percent failure rate for all new businesses started in this country each year.
Information regarding specific franchising ideas can be found in the franchising directories, which are generally available at the local library. Often there will be a notice posted in franchise outlets themselves.
If you can afford the entry into this business, statistics are on your side. You are now armed with some CAUTION and STOP and GO signs!ou
cannot do for yourself?
Monday, June 29, 2009
Chili's Fajitas

Sbarro Chicken Francese.
Sbarro Chicken Francese.
5 ; boneless 5 oz. chicken breasts
3 oz. Romano cheese
1 cup flour
1 cup chicken stock
juice from 2 lemons
chopped fresh parsley for garnish.
Scramble eggs in mixing bowl. Add Romano cheese, parsley, and white
Put flour in a large shallow bowl.
dipping a corner of a chicken piece in oil.
Coat both sides of a piece of chicken with flour. Dip chicken in
egg drip off, then place chicken in hot oil. Repeat with 4 more
from oil to a serving plate ; keep warm.
Bring chicken stock to a light boil. Add butter, stirring
while stirring continuously.
fresh parsley.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Foreclosure Investing

In Rochester NY, where I live, foreclosure properties are more readily available than ever, and there are all sorts of different types of properties available to foreclosure investors. From one bedroom condos, all the way to multi-unit apartment buildings, just about any type of property you can imagine is available in the foreclosure marketplace. Once you have decided on the type of property, it's time to go hunting.
Of course, it's also important to decide what you want to accomplish with your foreclosure. Are you looking to save a bundle on your dream home, or are you looking for an investment property? If it's investment you are interested in, is cash flow your goal, or long term capital gain? Of course, the two are not mutually exclusive, and you can accomplish both, but normally the more you have of one the less you have of the other.
Once you understand what your goals are, you can start narrowing the field or properties, and the best way to do that is with the right tools. That normally means some type of foreclosure property listing service. You could always find a local realtor who understands foreclosures, but in my experience the fastest way to locate the properties is with an online listing service. They typically have the biggest, most complete lists of properties currently on the market.
Make Real Money With Day Trading Software

You can use the robot to detect, suggest, and offer a call of action in purchasing top penny picks that can earn a great profit online. The best offers available come in the morning in which the robot suggests the stocks in order for you to buy then you get ready for the results in 24 hours or less. Can you imagine earning approximately $300-600 dollars overnight?
With so many investors experiencing this every other day, it's kind of hard to look away from the software. You can use the software to ease the stress associated with constant research of a penny stock; use the software's unique makeup to detect the perfect stock that can bring riches within hours.
No other software can promise these results based off of scientific fact. The Day Trading Robot removes most of the guess work needed in finding the trading strategies for your business. Some investors are still at awe because of the responses they've received from the market. Can you do this with a little faith in the software? Some said, 'no' but turned into believers when they took a chance on the software's top picks.
Today's markets have shaken the hearts of many day trading investors, but it doesn't have to remain such a faint ideal of what you want. You can expect a different result by using a scientific program available to predict, extend, and approach the market in its own format. This alone creates a sense of security when you want to make money in active trading every morning.
Your E-book is your Viral Salesman

E-books are the future and the future is now. The printed word on paper and bound into books used to be the only way information was given and received. They were great, you could take them with you and put them on shelves and they do still exist and will continue to for the foreseeable future but the time of the E-book has arrived.
The marketing E-book is a slightly different animal from just an E-book. Marketing E-books contain text, images, links to web pages and navigation controls. The marketing E-book has become a very important part of marketing on the Internet.
With a marketing E-book you can present your story in an effective way and include links to your web sales pages. Your E-book can become your best salesman.
First, your E-book needs to be interesting and informative. It always has links back to your web site and to your sales page.
Next, be sure that you have a prominent section telling readers that they are free to give your E-book away. Let them know that they can post it on their site as a free download, that they can use it as a bonus, and that they can bundle it with other products. This is the way to create viral marketing for your products or services. Remember those links back to your site contained in the E-book?
Last but certainly not least before you send your E-book out to the world, double check spelling and grammar and be sure that you have tested every link to verify that it goes where it is supposed to go. Obvious errors will reflect badly on you and will not be of much value to you, it could even by damaging.
Post your E-book to some of the E-book directories. Many let you post it for free, or will let you post a link on their site to your E-book.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Want to Build a Privacy Fence

Of course, you could go for brick (masonry) work, but the cost sometimes is prohibitively expensive, and of course, you wouldn't want to be spending that much. Then there are wood fences with a certain amount of airiness to them. For example, there's tall picket fencing - which gives partial privacy. There is also lattice fencing available. A suitable alternative is a hybrid fence design- this has a solid barrier for the bottom three-quarters of the fencing, and has lattice on top, which is visually appealing.
If you choose to build a privacy fence, it could be a very good decision, because such fences can be made from a wide variety of materials. You could go for vinyl, but wood is a great option as well. A privacy fence can give you a certain comfort level when you're outdoors, it creates a lovely micro-environment, within the yard that ensures you neighbors aren't prying at you. Your aim should be to create a lovely little cocoon of solitude for yourself. Most privacy fences have a height of 6 feet. Another thing you must remember is that you need to talk about the height of the fence, the material, and the direction with your nearest local government office.
The zoning department should clear your issues, because there are often many restrictions. Do be sure that no neighborhood rules prevent you from constructing a privacy fence for yourself. When it comes to materials, there are loads of options - metal, vinyl, and wood. You could even go for natural fencing material, like evergreen bushes and trees. But if you're set on building a traditional fence, you could put plants atop it, which would show gorgeous color when the plants are in bloom.
When you are going to build a privacy fence, you can do it by yourself. The process isn't too complicated, but you need to put effort into it so that it doesn't blow away. Ensure that the main fence posts extend into the soil at least for a minimum of 2 feet. If you're going for wood, take a rot-resistant species. Otherwise, you can chemically treat the wood to resist insect damage and rot.
Treatment For Ovarian Cyst

Ovarian cysts are common to millions of women around the world. Some don't even know they have them, while others, at the opposite end of the spectrum suffer all kinds of pains and discomforts. A small minority are cancerous, and obviously these need close attention by a medical professional. The cysts are similar to a blister in that they have a thin layer of skin over a fluid inside and they attach themselves to the ovaries. The good news is that, by and large, most there is some good treatment for ovarian cyst and they can be treated naturally by careful consideration. Here are some helpful remedies for ovarian cyst that can reduce or eradicate ovarian cysts for good.
It is always recommended that if you do have extreme pain or vomiting because of your cysts, that you should seek advice from your doctor.
Tip 1 - Try to avoid foods such as red meat and dairy products.
Tip 2 - Drinking chamomile herbal tea can reduce ovarian cyst pain and soothe tense muscles.
Tip 3 - Having warm soothing baths can also help. Applying a warm hot water bottle to the painful region can relax muscles around the region and thus reduce stress, which in turn helps the healing process.
Tip 4 - If you are overweight, then losing weight will help immensely. Not only that, but your health generally will improve so it is well worth the effort.
Tip 5 - Take vitamin B supplements, especially B6 which is rich in magnesium.
Tip 6 - Another reason cysts form is due to blockages in the body. Taking oil soluble Vitamin E can reduce these blockages and thus help reduce ovarian cysts.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Crock Pot Ratatouille

The slow cooker is a very useful appliance, easy and convenient to use. Most meals cooked in the slow cooker are healthy and easy to prepare. You can prepare the meal early in the morning. You could also prepare it the night before and leave the dish in the refrigerator. In the morning just take the dish out of the refrigerator and place it in the main unit. Choose your temperature setting between low and high, and forget about it. Your supper will be ready by supper time. You do not need to check it continuously Every time you open the cooker lid, you prolong the cooking time by 25 minutes.
Once you finish supper, then the cleaning is very easy, specially if you have a unit with a removable dish. Do not ever submerge the heating unit. As you can see cooking in the crock pot is so easy that even your husband could do it.
I have found an easy and delicious vegetarian recipe here:
- 2 medium eggplants, peeled and chopped
- 2 green peppers, seeded and chopped
- 6 plum size tomatoes chopped
- 2 large zucchini sliced
- 2 small onion chopped
- 3 cloves pressed garlic
- 1/4 tsp red pepper flake
- 1 tsp basil
- 1 tsp oregano
- 1 6-oz can tomato paste
- salt and pepper to taste
Monday, June 22, 2009
About IRA Rollover
Are you aware of IRA rollover? Well, you should be. You must be knowledgeable about these things. Just in case you want to do it, you'll know what to do. So why do people rollover their Individual Retirement Accounts in the first place. For one, when people change jobs, they also need to change their custodian. The accounts are usually sponsored by their employers and if they seek a new employment later, there's a need for a rollover. Another reason is on the returns. Of course, all wanted higher returns on their accounts. If ever their accounts are only generating minimal returns, rollovers are a possible option for them.
You must understand first the concept of IRA rollover. Basically, it is a transfer of funds from the tax-deferred account into traditional accounts. If you decided to change job, the account sponsored by the employer can be rollover into your own account. By rolling over, you are now in control of your account. Investment decisions and other future distributions are in your hands. Under the law, retirement accounts can be invested in various investment types like stocks, mutual funds and others. The good thing about it is the tax implications. The transfer of the fund is free of tax. The fund will still grow continuously on the deferred basis inside your own account.
Another type of IRA rollover is the transfer of funds from one IRA to another one. This is done because the holders are not satisfied in terms of returns. The transfer here is also tax-free. So, how can you transfer an employer-sponsored account into your own? There are two ways in which you can do it: direct and indirect. Under the direct rollover, there's simply a transfer of eligible distributions into your own account. It's like a transfer has never happened in the first place. Unlike in indirect, the custodian writes a check and then distributes it to you. Then it's your responsibility to deposit the money into your own bank account.
Then eventually transfer it to an Individual Retirement Account within 60 days. If you've made a deposit within that stated period, the transfer is totally tax-free. An advantage of direct over is the absence of withholding tax imposed by the taxing authority. In the indirect method, it is subject to an income tax withholding rule. IRA rollover can also be done by rolling over from an IRA to another one. The procedures are quite similar to that of an employee-sponsored to an IRA. However, the only distinction is on the eligibility of the retirement distribution. The same methods also apply to this type.
Knowing the System of the Country Before Calling
From it's location in West Africa, Nigeria is composed of thirty-six states and a number of cities which includes Lagos, Kaduna, Benin, Zaria, Port Harcourt, Ibadan and many others. Due to the rapid growth in recent years, the population is really in need for cheap communication both locally and internationally.
The process of calling in Nigeria will be dependent on the type of phone you are using, which can either be a mobile phone or the traditional land line. All this goes for different rates ranging from different service providers. Business people, doctors, people from the media groups, immigrants and many others have enjoyed calling internationally and locally to accomplish their varying needs.
The international calling process begins when the customer buys a pre paid card and then loads their account with money, ensures that they dial the required number which is termed as the access number as covered by the UK contracts on mobile phones. The contract covers different timings per minute. As customers call and pay and leave, they obtain normal rates for all those calls via 020. When the caller is through, he or she is required to dial 00 which is the international code and works hand in hand with the country code.
All the customers have the responsibility to bear in mind that, every calling service bears different benefits which are governed by their respective terms and conditions. There are many international calls' service providers who works hand in hand with local retailers by ensuring that they provide full information on mobile phone contracts and third parties by comparison of services. There are usually conditions that are provided by these companies in their websites to burr any liabilities on changes that may occur in that website.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Alternative Energy - A Good Resource For Cars

As a result, the world had started looking for some alternative energy sources which can be used in their vehicles. But most of the people in the present world also don't have any idea about these alternative energy resources. Some of the major alternative resources of energy are the solar energy, energy from the wastes called biomass, energy from the water called hydroelectric power or tidal energy. But the point of concern is that till now we are able to utilize only 10% of these natural resources. Nuclear fuel, gas and coal are still the major fuel supplies and oil is abundantly used in the vehicles.
Most of the trucks, cars and other vehicles on the roads are making use of the gas oils and diesel. Some buses had started making the use of biodiesel. Some of the major examples of the biodiesel are the ethanol, methanol and vegetable oil. Some innovative work is still going on for utilizing the solar energy and wind energy in the cars. Only limited work is going across the world, but we need a solution which could be long ranged. Use of hydrogen gas can be extensively used in the cars for the future needs.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Get Cheap Car Parts
Hopefully, this article will aim to help you in today's recession hit economy as to where you can find the parts you need and for the best price, therefore, reducing how much you spend on your car parts.
What about Car Parts from Main Dealers/Dealership?
Buying car parts from a main dealer is one place that you should be able to find your car parts. The good points of finding your car parts from dealerships is that they have a computerised system which can find the parts you're after using the part number on your existing part. In addition, it is always common that there will be a dealership for most manufacturers in each of the towns and cities of the UK.
However, although the likelihood of sourcing your parts from main dealers is very good, there are many factors that make this option simply not viable. Firstly, the cost of buying your part will most definitely come at the highest premium. Secondly, for the dealership to be able to source the part in the first place they will need the part number off your old part, which is sometimes hard to get especially if the part concerned is a gearbox or a front headlight as you cannot drive about without these when trying to source your parts. Thirdly, sometimes it can be difficult to find time in the day or bear the rainy weather to actually go in to the dealership and enquire about parts, especially when they are generally located in out-of-town retail parks.
What about Car Parts Online?
Online sources of buying your car parts are the new ways motoring customers are finding car parts these days. There are many advantages of using online sources to buy car parts, with one of them being that you don't even need to leave the comfort of your own home and being able to browse the internet any time that is convenient for you. The other prominent major factor for this preferred method of buying parts is that in the time it takes you to go to one dealership, you would have been able to visit a dozen or so websites which then will enable you to get the most competitive price out there, thus, SAVING YOU MONEY.
There are numerous websites in the market place that offer new parts, and are loads cheaper than main dealerships and offer a pretty good deliver service. However, although their prices are good, the parts are not the same quality as main dealers as they are just replacements/after market parts. In addition, they generally cater for parts that you need for servicing your car, for example, brake pads, brake fluid, air filter etc, and therefore, they are not so great when you need parts such as engines, gearboxes, bonnet, bumpers, doors etc.
Summer Garden Salad

Garden salads are excellent appetizers before eating a full meal. It's also beneficial if you are trying to lose a few pounds. If you fill up on a light salad before a meal, you are likely to consume less calories. Makes sense right?
I know what you're thinking! "Garden salads are boring." Well...maybe so, if you let them be. But, guess what? They don't have to be!
There are so many things you can do to a salad to spice things up with both color and taste. Start with your basic fresh crisp greens. Iceberg and especially romaine lettuce provide lots of good nutrients. Then zip things up by adding a bit of color with some red lettuce, red tomatoes, and red bell peppers. You can even toss some red onions in to sweeten the taste.
Adding some veggies can significantly add a wide variety of color, taste, and texture which will instantly add a bit of zest to your typical mundane garden salad. Why not try some fresh steamed broccoli, or some asparagus? Maybe some cauliflower or fresh okra? Don't knock it until you've tried it! The idea is to make the salad more appetizing and appealing to your liking.
You can also make your garden salad into a hearty chef salad by adding grilled chicken, beef, or ham. Then toss a hard boiled egg into the mix. Meat and eggs both will also benefit you by adding some of your daily intake of protein. Protein gives you lots of energy. Bean sprouts and nuts also offer extra variety and protein.
Fruits also comes in many distinct colors and tastes. Chopping and tossing in some of your favorite fresh fruit makes for a delicious homemade salad. Try some mouth-watering strawberries, fresh peaches, or maybe even some apples and raisins. I'm getting hungry just thinking about these salad combinations. Main point here don't have to settle for the everyday boring salad.
Below is a simple salad combination recipe
Chicken Apple Garden Salad
1 head iceberg lettuce
2 baked skinless chicken breasts, chopped
2 small red apples, thinly sliced
1/2 cup raisins
1 cup red bell peppers, chopped
1/2 cup green onions, chopped
8 cherry tomatoes, cut in half
salad dressing of your choice
Clean and chop up lettuce. Bake chicken breasts in covered baking dish @300 degrees F for 45 minutes. Cut up into chunks.
Combine ingredients. Mix well and top with salad dressing of your choice.
Listed below are just a few foods that you can add to salads to spice things up a notch or two
hard boiled eggs
cheddar cheese
goat cheese
grilled chicken
sour cream
dried fruits
sprinkle parmesan cheese
pineapple chunks
bean sprouts
kidney beans
green beans
steamed broccoli
steamed cauliflower
small animal crackers
any colorful veggies or fruits
Monday, June 15, 2009

A copyright is a type of legal protection afforded to creators of original works, including literary, musical, dramatic, choreographed, and architectural works, motion pictures, sound recordings, and works of art, such as paintings, and sculptures.
Copyright protection prevents another individual from copying, performing or using the piece of work without the express consent of the author or creator and establishes the ownership of the piece of work. Protection is available to both published and unpublished works. To be able to be copyrighted, a work must be original and must have already been written or recorded. This is because a copyright does not protect an idea or plan; instead, it protects the expression of that idea or plan.
Can a website be copyrighted?
Any original work or authorship appearing on a website can be protected under copyright law. This may include any text or articles, digital artwork, photographs and animation to appear on the website. Because a website cannot be sent to the Copyright Office in the mail, the procedures for registering the contents of a website are different than a standard document or photograph.
A key aspect of a website that cannot be copyrighted is the website's domain name. Responsibility for domain names falls under the jurisdiction of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a nonprofit organization located in California that has assumed the responsibility for assigning domain names by means of accredited registers.
Who can obtain a copyright?
Three fast And comfortable Ways

You at last realize that you need a good opt-in list. After reading countless articles and sought expert advices and have read many success stories of people creating a small fortune with opt-in lists you finally decide to have one of your own. Then it happens, you think you have known everything there is to know about opt-in lists and have followed their advices to the T and you still weren’t able to make a profit.
As a matter of fact, you may be losing money. You maybe hiring writers to help you out, or there are some expenses incurred, even if you have a big list, but only a very small percentage actually buys from you, your still losing profit. You’ll realize that after a few months when you see your statistics and sales figures.
And then what could have gone wrong? Why have others succeeded where you have failed? The most common mistake is that you dived straight right in. You chose a topic where you think could be quite popular and would earn you money. This just not the case. Just because you wrote people from the list doesn’t mean they are going to buy instantly.
Here I'll offer a lot of advice, for those who have started an opt-in list and have failed, you can rejuvenate your failed venture. For those who are beginning, here are three quick and easy ways to build a profitable opt-in list.
1) aim your customers to trust you and your products first. Just launching your opt-in list would not make you an expert and a believable seller. Put a lot of articles first before you start an opt-in list. Write about the topic you know and have started and used for your site. Try to put forums first to attain knowledge about your customers about their wants and needs and target those wants and needs.
Join forums from other sites as well. Provide expert advices and recommendations. When you feel that people trust you already, you will be able to start your own opt-in list. You can build a base as well with other forum users. You can ask them to join your list. Friends are always good customers. Put up a link to your site so that they may be able to see what you're business is all about.
The certain truth is, the money will only come in when the consumers and subscribers believe and trust in you. They want a product or service that could be a good exchange for their money. People are not going to buy something out of your recommendation if they don’t know you.
2) Find a product or service that people call for and need. Although it may not be your forte, if you provide a service and product that you have researched and learned about well, you'll be able to carry it on forward. Invest your time, effort and money that you could sell as well as the buyers or subscribers of your opt-in list can use.
Though it is true that it is best to sell something that you have interest in, there are not many people who have the same interest as you if you decide to sell something that is not entirely popular or profitable. Do your research well and you would see the profits come in. Also provide your subscribers with promotional material that they could actually use and spread around.
3) Make friends with other opt-in list users. This is basically beneficial especially if it is someone who has already launched a successful opt-in list. These are people that have the experience in this venture and experience is still the best teacher. While there are many articles available for you in the internet to use, there is nothing like getting a first hand account from someone you trust.
Experienced opt-in list users will be able to tell you what to do and what not to do because they have gone through it. While different situations occur for different people, the general concept can still be very helpful. There are many things to avoid and these people will be able to tell you which ones.
Building a profitable opt-in list don’t just happen overnight. There are many preparations and effort to do. Opt-in lists are built from scratch, as your list grows, you should also maintain the quality of your list. Keep it organized and manageable. Get or hire help if need be, just make sure that your subscribers are happy and satisfied and they will be willing to buy from you.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Make Money

Beginning with the basics. A blog consists of regular published information about a certain topic, news event or even a peron's life, that are all written up on the site. Blogs are free websites, that anyone can create for themselves. You can upload entries at any time you would like to, that is once it's up and running.
Running a blog, is one of the easiest websites to run for any individual. Furthermore they are very common all over the Internet, and incredibly easy to use. Many blog directories will promote your blog if it consists of awesome information. The Internet is full of valuable information nowadays about so many topics, so writing about anything will do.
Two terms that you might see, are "blogger", which is what you are if you start running your own blog, and "blogging" which is the activity of running the blog. People on the Internet are free to see your blog, and the entries you put up.
When information is put up on your blog, people will start visiting, and this is how your "money-making" journey begins. Use your visitors as a means to begin making an income from your blog. Ways in which you can blog to make money are:
1. Advertisements - Advertisements can be put onto your site from many places. The top places to get ads from are Google Ads and Yahoo Ads. My personal preference is Google AdSense. On your blog, you can put free advertisements from Google AdSense once you've signed up. You get profit for every ad which is clicked. Commonly, you'd receive over 50 cents per each click, sometimes more, which is awesome. For more information about advertising on your blog, see the link below.
2. Affiliating - You can promote products from sites like Clickbank. You'd be able to earn the best amounts of money from your blog through affiliate marketing. The best thing about this, is that you don't need to worry about product checkouts, refunds and all those problems, because you are promoting someone elses product. For more information about Affiliate Marketing, see the link below.
3. Referrals to reward sites - Whenever a person joins a reward site, such as a survey site, through your link, you get rewards in turn. Easy money can be earned from this because every time a referral reads reward emails, completes a survey or clicks an advertisement, you also get paid. payments are sent to you. This results in a very neat money-making system set up, as it's a referral matrix of rewards being sent up the chain. There are lots of reward sites that you can join up to, all free of course, otherwise it's most likely not worth it. To find out more about this, see the link below.
How to Make Money on the Internet at Home?

There are many reasons why should should consider starting a business on the internet.
1. You can work from. Now I guess this reasons is the overall motivating factor for some people, but it is pretty cool not to answer to a boss everyday. You are your own boss. But remember, with this comes responsibility. You have to make your own hours and give yourself a schedule.
This can be a very hard part actually because it is easy to not want to work one day and work the other. The people who make the most money have a consistent work ethic and understand if they want to continue to grow their business, they must keep growing and working themselves.
2. When you decide to take up a business online, you can target a wide arrange of people. This is the reason why I started to promote online, I simply knew I could reach more people then just a simple newspaper ad in my town. Once you learn things like keyword research and how to bring traffic to your website...the opportunities are endless. Just know, you will have to learn new things.